Hostaform® CF802 10/9022
Celanese Corporation
Hostaform® acetal copolymer grade CF802 10/9022 is a conductive, fuel compatible general purpose acetal copolymer. Hostaform® CF802 10/9022 has been developed to dissipate static electricity from fuel handling systems. Hostaform® CF802 10/9022 has been specially formulated for laser welding applications.
Please note Hostaform® CF802 10/9022 has special processing considerations to ensure static dissipation properties. Use minimum back pressure and slowest screw speed possible in retracting screw during cooling portion of cycle. Large gate size (>2 mm) recommended. Pneumatic conveying of material long distances is not recommended.
供货地区 |
特性 |
用途 |
通用 |
RoHS 合规性 |
联系制造商 |
物理性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
密度 |
1.47 |
g/cm3 |
ISO 1183 |
收缩率 |
ISO 294-4 |
横向流量 |
1.6 |
% |
流量 |
1.7 |
% |
机械性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
拉伸模量 |
3000 |
MPa |
ISO 527-2/1A/1 |
拉伸应力 (屈服) |
62.0 |
MPa |
ISO 527-2/1A/50 |
拉伸应变 (屈服) |
10 |
% |
ISO 527-2/1A/50 |
拉伸蠕变模量 |
ISO 899-1 |
1 hr |
2130 |
MPa |
1000 hr |
1050 |
MPa |
冲击性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
简支梁缺口冲击强度 (23°C) |
4.0 |
kJ/m2 |
ISO 179/1eA |
热性能 |
额定值 |
单位制 |
测试方法 |
热变形温度 (1.8 MPa, 未退火) |
100 |
°C |
ISO 75-2/A |
熔融温度 2 |
167 |
°C |
ISO 11357-3 |
线形热膨胀系数 |
ISO 11359-2 |
流动 |
1.0E-4 |
cm/cm/°C |
横向 |
1.2E-4 |
cm/cm/°C |