





    发布者:lingliang  发布时间:2023-02-03 14:10:40  访问次数:70

    Mechanical Characteristics 

       11.1 Weight The camera typical weight (without lens nor lens adapter) is 220 g/7.7 ounces (typical).

       11.2 Dimensions The camera dimensions (without lens) are W = 56 mm, H = 60 mm, L = 39.4 mm. Figure 11-1. Mechanical Box Drawing and Dimensions 15 15 6 39.4 12 4 x 2 holes M4 (on the 4 sides) 56 48 60 52 Sensor 1st pixel y = 30 ± 0.05 ? 42 H7 ? 46 z = 10.3 ± 0.03 Optical sensor plane to front face 1 3 x M2.5 at 120° x = refer to "Mechanical Mounting Reference" Reference mounting plane Reference mounting plane Reference mounting plane Mechanical reference point X axis Y axis Z axis X, Y plan All dimensions in millimeter

       11.3 Mechanical Mounting Reference The front panel mechanical part is designed to support the mounting of the camera. On this mechanical part, three surfaces are considered as mounting reference surface: i.e. the distance between these surfaces and the first active pixel are known very precisely (better than ±50 μm). 11.4 Sensor Alignment Figure 11-2. Sensor Alignment Diagram 11.5 Lens Mounting (Lens Not Supplied) The camera can be provided with three different lens adapter, corresponding to three different options. The user has to selected the correct adapter. The following table gives recommendations according to the sensor size. Table 11-1. Mechanical Mounting Reference Number of Pixels 512 1024 2048 4096 x with 14 μm sensor (nm) 24.416 20.832 13.664 – x with 10 μm sensor (nm) – 22.880 17.760 7.520

       11.4 Sensor Alignment Figure 11-2. Sensor Alignment Diagram

       11.5 Lens Mounting (Lens Not Supplied) The camera can be provided with three different lens adapter, corresponding to three different options. The user has to selected the correct adapter. The following table gives recommendations according to the sensor size.v

       11.6 Heat-sink Mounting In order to improve the power dissipation, the camera can be delivered with heat-sink to be mounted by the user on the side faces of the camera. The delivery of the heat-sinks corresponds to a dedicated option

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