





    ABB ACS150-03E-02A4-4
    发布者:weixuan666  发布时间:2024-05-14 11:53:40  访问次数:74

    10 135 1505 Coupling/Szybkoz??cze wysokoci?nieniowe 101351505
    8408499 Piston 567 8408499
    8273771 DIAPHRAGM     Nylon (Ex  8024923) 8273771
    41C624799P3 Lock / Zamek drzwi 41C624799P3
    9411929 BOLT    Series and interpole -1/2 -13 x 2 hex  head 9411929
    136X2208 O-Ring 136X2208
    8068830 Gasket 8068830
    41A235577P1 Slinger 41A235577P1
    8362236 REPAIR KIT   Ball Cock Valve 8362236
    8068059 Bushing 8068059
    8175731 Retainer 8175731
    155941 Screw 155941
    8281334 Sand Trap 8281334
    8250855 Power Wrench Manual Crab Bolts 8250855
    40089148 Kit - Contact 40089148
    9575586 Draw Hook 9575586
    23512308 BOLT   Shoulder hex head 23512308
    40058952 CONTACTOR    Brake grid shorting (Ex  9521384) 40058952
    40118840 KIT   Gasket - Turbocharger changeout 40118840
    9415476 RING     Magnet retaining 9415476
    9557589 GUARD ASSEMBLY   Compressor drive shaft 9557589
    8081389 STUBSHAFT   Left bank blower drive gear 8081389
    40093774 Capacitor 40093774
    41A240674P10 Hand Brake 41A240674P10
    40001548 Cab Heater 40001548
    8368469 Diode AR10 Negative 8368469
    10 135 6506 Nipple/Nypel wysokoci?nieniowy 101356506
    9574330 Centrifugal Air Filter 9574330
    8025096 RING    Plate - Center - Outer 8025096
    41C624799P4 Lock / Zamek drzwi 41C624799P4
    8464090 SHUNT    Load test - 4000 Amp  8464090
    9436585 BEARING ASSEMBLY    Roller - Rotor (Ex 9427171) 9436585
    41B564638G1 Bus bar 41B564638G1
    PK-753b-6 elektrozawór do stycznika liniowego, napi?cie cewki 75 V PK-753b-6
    8215109 Ring 8215109
    41A231903P2 Gasket 41A231903P2
    8288663 WIRE   Lock -  026" diameter (500 foot) 8288663
    8401930 CLEVIS   Brake head lever to cylinder lever 8401930
    8188834 Dowel 8188834
    191895 Screw 191895
    9570890 GASKET   Wtr pump tee to lube oil cooler 9570890
    8282373 Relay Valve 8282373
    8399841 KIT ASSEMBLY   Arc chute - Round front type 8399841
    514626 Cylinder LP 514626
    40049243 EMDEC POWER SUPPLY   24V 40049243
    9560338 Remote Control 9560338
    40067801 COOLER ASSEMBLY   Controller - EMDEC 40067801
    40109956 RING   Compression - No  1 groove 40109956
    9321963 Universal Coil Kit 9321963
    8429520 GUARD ASSEMBLY   Compressor drive shaft - Engine end 8429520
    455013 BOLT    Hex head 1/2-20x 1-3/8 455013
    3X1170 Pillow Block 3X1170
    8333166 Pin Assy - Slack Adjuster 8333166
    9094444 Cover Bearing 9094444
    8294631 Check Plate Piston 8294631
    9535868 KIT   Services Detector 8464678 Complete 9535868

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