KVV电缆37×2.5电缆导体的允许长期高工作温度为117℃。KVV电缆37×2.5●电缆敷设时温度应不低于0℃,若温低于0℃时,应对电缆进行预热。 ●电缆的推荐允许弯曲半径如下: 无铠装电缆,应不低于电缆外径的6倍; 铠装或铜带屏蔽电缆,应不低于电缆外径的12倍; 屏蔽软电缆,应不低于电缆外径的6倍。 型号 产品名称 电压V 芯数 截面 mm49 主要适用范围 KVV电缆37×2.5铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套kvv电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,电缆沟、管道等固定 KVV22 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套钢带铠装kvv22电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,电缆沟、管道直埋等能承受较大机械外力的固定 KVVP 阻燃铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套kvvp电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,电缆沟、管道等要求屏蔽的固定 KVVR 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套控制软电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,有要求的 KVVRP 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套编织屏蔽控制软电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,有屏蔽要求的 ZRKVV 阻燃铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套zrkvv电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,电缆沟、管道等要求阻燃的固定 ZRKVV22 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套编织钢带铠装zrkvv22电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,电缆沟、管道直埋等能承受较大机械外力有阻燃要求的固定 ZRKVVP 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套编织屏蔽zrkvvp电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,电缆沟、管道等要求屏蔽、阻燃的固定 ZRKVVR 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套编织zrkvvr电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,有和阻燃要求的。 ZRKVVRP 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套编织屏蔽zrkvvrp电缆 450/750 4-37 0.75-10 敷设在室内,有屏蔽和阻燃要求的。 |
General administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine recently, according to data released in 2014, the national export enterprises under the influence of foreign technical trade measures ratio is 36.1%.Ningbo eighth foreign technical trade measures to influence the results of the survey also shows that in 2014, with technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures as the core of foreign technical trade measures to ningbo export direct loss of $1.662 billion, causing additional cost of $918 million.Ningbo export trade barriers into the largest "stumbling block", including the mechanical and electrical equipment, textile, mining, light industry, toys, metal rubber plastic, paper, wood advantage of agricultural products and food industry, not of metal.From the effects of technical trade measures to specific categories, various industries roughly similar.Among them, the most frequent technical trade measures from "certification program requirements," followed by "toxic and harmful substances limits", "general technical standard" and "environmental protection and energy sing requirements.Undoued, foreign technical barriers to trade to upgrade to the direct economic losses from the part of the enterprise's export, but the standard group (Hong Kong) co., LTD. Think, whether the upgrading of technical barriers to trade can increase the industry testing instruments such as textile testing instrument at home and abroad market?On the one hand, the foreign technical barriers to trade to upgrade, the industry will need to deal with this kind of upgrading to the development of an enterprise to strengthen the quality control and testing.Although the raw materials and labor costs rise, will squeeze the enterprise profit space, will bring difficulty to the enterprise's normal production.But, as long as the enterprise to strengthen product development efforts, and constantly introduce testing instruments products in line with market demand, enterprises can win in the industry reshuffle.This is an opportunity for instrumentation industry.Foreign technical barriers to trade, on the other hand, the upgrade is that emerging markets following the developed countries, the standard and certification with the attention.Such an underdog, continuous fermentation, even will cause the huge market of textile testing instrument.Whether can directly drive the textile testing instrument overseas, become another opportunity?仪器、仪表