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产品价格:0   元(人民币)
发货地:北京  (发货期:当天内发货)



简要说明:迈达斯牌的midas pro9 专业数字调音台产品:估价:0,规格:pro9 ,产品系列编号:齐全



PRO9 Overview


The Midas PRO9 sits at the top of the Midas PRO Series, featuring a massive 88 channel input count and 35 buses, with the dual stage boxes offering placement flexibility up to 200m apart and 500m from the FOH position.

The PRO9 benefits from the full range of Midas I/O box options, including the DL251 fixed format stage box, the highly acclaimed DL431 24 channel 5-way mic splitter offering three mic preamps per channel and dual digital network connections, both with full redundancy. Flexibility can be further increased by adding the Klark Teknik DN9650 digital format converter offering MADI and Dante connectivity.

The Midas PRO9 comes complete with the features that have been made popular by established Midas digital systems, the XL8 and the PRO6. This includes the hugely successful VCA and POPulation groups, which allow users to navigate channels intuitively, without the confusion caused by layers or pages of faders. It features the legendary and much-loved Midas sound characteristics, which have their roots in the classic Midas analogue consoles. The PRO9 also benefits from the same comprehensive choice of effects and dynamics processing as the PRO6 and XL8, including the acclaimed XL8 compressor styles. Expandable modular connectivity means the system can be upgraded to meet any applications


全系列PRO9迈达斯利益的I / O中的选项,包括DL251固定格式的阶段中,备受好评的DL43124通道5路话筒分配器提供了三个麦克风前级放大器每通道双数字网络连接具有完全的冗余, 灵活性可进一步增加加入Klark Teknik DN9650数字格式转换器提供的MADI和但丁连接。


PRO9 Configuration

  • 288 inputs x 294 outputs (max capacity) point-to-point routing anywhere within the Network
  • 80 primary inputs
  • 8 return inputs
  • Up to 104 simultaneous mix channels
  • 16 Group/Aux & 16 Matrix - 32 Mixes in “monitor” mode
  • 35 mix busses
  • 10 VCAs
  • 6 POPulation Groups
  • 8 Effects devices
  • Up to 36 KT Graphic EQ’s - with optional DN9331 Rapide control
  • Configurable “Area B”
  • Standard surface I/O 
    (3 configurable card slots)
    DL443 “TRS” card 
    DL452 AES/EBU Input and Output “D” card
    DL442 Analogue Output “O” card
  • Stage I/O 
    DL351 56 in / 8 out configurable I/O 
    DL451 24 in configurable I/O
  • Dual-Redundant HyperMac (192x192) CAT5-e digital snake included
  • Fibre Optic connections
  • Control centre supplied in flight case
  • 16U flight case supplied for DL371 DSP and DL351 I/O**

Additional I/O Box Options

  • DL431 24 in 5 way split: fixed configuration I/O
  • DL251 48 in / 16 out fixed configuration I/O

I/O Card Options

  • DL441 Analogue Mic / Line Input “I” card
  • DL442 Analogue Output “O” card
  • DL443 8 Analogue Line In and 8 Analogue Line Out “TRS” card
  • DL452 AES/EBU Input and Output “D” card
  • DL444 8 Analogue Mic In and 8 Analogue Line Out “D Sub” card
  • Option of 150m Fibre Optic cable

Control Centre Weight and Dimensions

Width 1365mm x Depth 924mm (53.7” x 36.4”) Weight: 97Kg (213.4lbs)*

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