其它牌的正品德国soudokay SK 402-O不锈钢药芯焊丝产品:估价:电议,规格:3.2-5.0,产品系列编号:齐全
正品德国soudokay SK 402-O不锈钢药芯焊丝
拍下时请注明规格 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4/1.6
SK 402-O stainless steels
Classifications open arc flux cored wire
DIN 8555
MF 8-GF-150/400-KPZ
Austenitic alloy type 18Cr8Ni7Mn recommended for build up and buffer layer prior to
hardfacing. It can also be used for joining of dissimilar metals.
Microstructure: Austenite
Machinability: Good with metallic carbide tipped tools
Oxy-acetylene cutting: Cannot be flame cut
Deposit thickness: As required
Field of use
Joining of wear plates on shovel buckets, railways and tramway lines, press rams, joining
stainless steels to carbon manganese steels, building up and buttering before hardfacing,
welding of 14 % Mn steels, armour and hard to weld steels.
Typical analysis in %
C Mn Si Cr Ni Fe
0,09 6,0 0,9 18,0 7,8 balance
Typical mechanical properties
Hardness as welded: 160 HB
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Wire diameter (mm) Amperage Voltage Stick-Out
1,2 120 – 150 26 – 30 35 – 40
1,6 180 – 200 26 – 30 35 – 40
2,0 200 – 250 26 – 30 35 – 40
2,4 250 – 300 26 – 30 35 – 40
2,8 300 – 350 26 – 30 35 – 40