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凌亮光电CCS Sharp-cut Filters放大图片

产品价格:1233   元(人民币)
发货地:上海  (发货期:当天内发货)



简要说明:凌亮光电CCS牌的凌亮光电CCS Sharp-cut Filters产品:估价:1233,规格:完善,产品系列编号:齐全



Sharp-cut Filters

These filters pass light of only specific wavelengths, primarily in the red wavelength region, and are effective in preventing light interference.

R60 Series

The product lineup includes six models of M16.0, M25.5, M27.0, M30.5, M40.5, and M46.0 filters according to the diameter of the filter thread on the lens. 
CCS also provides filters that can be mounted on a C mount.

R60 Series

R64 Series

The product lineup includes six models of M16.0, M25.5, M27.0, M30.5, M40.5, and M46.0 filters according to the diameter of the filter thread on the lens. 
CCS also provides filters that can be mounted on a C mount.

R64 Series

R60 Series

The product lineup includes six models of M16.0, M25.5, M27.0, M30.5, M40.5, and M46.0 filters according to the diameter of the filter thread on the lens. 
CCS also provides filters that can be mounted on a C mount.

R60 Series
Model Number Summary
R60-C This filter can be mounted on the C mount of a camera.
R60-16 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M16.0, P = 0.5 mm.
R60-25 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M25.5, P = 0.5 mm.
R60-27 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M27.0, P = 0.5 mm.
R60-30 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M30.5, P = 0.5 mm.
R60-40 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M40.5, P = 0.5 mm.
R60-46 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M46.0, P = 0.75 mm.

R64 Series

The product lineup includes six models of M16.0, M25.5, M27.0, M30.5, M40.5, and M46.0 filters according to the diameter of the filter thread on the lens. 
CCS also provides filters that can be mounted on a C mount.

R64 Series
Model Number Summary
R64-C This filter can be mounted on the C mount of a camera.
R64-16 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M16.0, P = 0.5 mm.
R64-25 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M25.5, P = 0.5 mm.
R64-27 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M27.0, P = 0.5 mm.
R64-30 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M30.5, P = 0.5 mm.
R64-40 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M40.5, P = 0.5 mm.
R64-46 This filter can be mounted on a lens with a filter thread diameter of M46.0, P = 0.75 mm.

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