详细介绍: 星光尼龙扎带
电话:0377-66252996 18530688758
q q:77638012
http://www.xyxingguang.com/ http://cabletie.jdzj.com ![扎带型号](http://img.jdzj.com/oledit/UploadFile/news2013/20137311612585470035.jpg)
一般性能 General performance of Nylon cable tie
Mechanical performance:Nylon is a king of engineering plastics. The Nylon 66 cable tie made by injection melding has good mechanical performance plastics.Nylon cable different specificationgs have different circle diameters and tensile strength.(See Nylon cable tie specification scheme)
Affection of temperature to Nylon cable tie: In broad temperrature limits(-40~120·c)Nylon cable tie can keep it's good mechanical performance and anti-heat ageing property.
三 、温度对尼龙扎带的影响:尼龙扎带在潮湿环境下及其含水量适中时,可保持优良的机械性能,尼龙扎带有吸湿性,温度(含水量)过高或高低时都会影响自身的抗拉强度(拉力)及抗冲击强度。建议产品含水量为2.5+/- %。
Affection of humidity to Nylon cable tie: In humid circumstance and with suitable water content Nylon cable tie can keep good mechanical performance. However,Nylon cable tie may absorb water.Too high or too low humidiy(water content) ma
联系人:吴经理 18530688758 电话:0377-66252996 qq:77638012 http://www.xingguang-zd.com/
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