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产品价格:电仪   元(人民币)
发货地:苏州  (发货期:当天内发货)



简要说明:华东地区一级代理商沙比特塑料贸易(苏州)有限公司诚信经营.长期现货供应PC/ABS德国拜耳FR3010/价格公道,童叟无欺 欢迎广大新老客户朋友前来咨询洽谈!



华东地区一级代理商沙比特塑料贸易(苏州)有限公司诚信经营.长期现货供应PC/ABS德国拜耳FR3010/价格公道,童叟无欺 欢迎广大新老客户朋友前来咨询洽谈!

This datasheet of Bayblend® FR3010 from Covestro Deutschland AG is provided by the international plastics database CAMPUS

You may contact the supplier for more information about this grade.

This datasheet includes:

Bayblend® FR3010 | (PC+ABS) FR(40) | Covestro Deutschland AG
  • (PC+ABS) blend
  • flame-retardant
  • increased heat resistance
  • Vicat/B 120 = 110 °C
  • UL recognition 94 V-0 (1.5 mm)
  • glow wire test (GWFI): 960 °C (2.0 mm)
  • improved chemical resistance and stress cracking behavior
  • successor to FR2010.
流变性能 价值 单位 测试标准
熔体体积流动速度, MVR 15 cm3/10min ISO 1133
温度 240 °C ISO 1133
负荷 5 kg ISO 1133
机械性能 价值 单位 测试标准
拉伸模量 2700 MPa ISO 527-1/-2
屈服应力 60 MPa ISO 527-1/-2
屈服伸长率 4 % ISO 527-1/-2
热性能 价值 单位 测试标准
热变形温度, 1.80 MPa 90 °C ISO 75-1/-2
热变形温度, 0.45 MPa 100 °C ISO 75-1/-2
维卡软化温度, 50°C/h 50N 108 °C ISO 306
线膨胀系数, 平行 76 E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2
线膨胀系数, 垂直 80 E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2
1.5mm名义厚度时的燃烧性 V-0 class IEC 60695-11-10
测试用试样的厚度 1.5 mm IEC 60695-11-10
Yellow Card 现存 Yes - -
厚度为h时的5V燃烧性 5VB class IEC 60695-11-20
测试用试样的厚度 2.0 mm IEC 60695-11-20
Yellow Card 现存 Yes - -
电性能 价值 单位 测试标准
相对介电常数., 100Hz 3.2 - IEC 60250
相对介电常数., 1MHz 3.1 - IEC 60250
介质损耗因子, 100Hz 50 E-4 IEC 60250
介质损耗因子, 1MHz 70 E-4 IEC 60250
体积电阻率 >1E13 Ohm*m IEC 60093
表面电阻率 >1E15 Ohm IEC 60093
介电强度 35 kV/mm IEC 60243-1
相对漏电起痕指数 350 - IEC 60112
其它性能 价值 单位 测试标准
吸水性 0.5 % 类似ISO 62
吸湿性 0.2 % 类似ISO 62
密度 1180 kg/m3 ISO 1183
流变计算用参数. 价值 单位 测试标准
熔体密度 990 kg/m3 -
熔体 0.182 W/(m K) -
熔体的比热 2040 J/(kg K) -
有效导热率a 9.01E-8 m2/s -
喷射温度 110 °C -
试样制备条件 价值 单位 测试标准
注塑, 熔体温度 240 °C ISO 294
注塑, 模具温度 80 °C ISO 10724
注塑, 注射速度 240 mm/s ISO 294
粘度-剪切速度, Bayblend® FR3010, (PC+ABS) FR(40), Covestro
剪切应力-剪切速度, Bayblend® FR3010, (PC+ABS) FR(40), Covestro
动态剪切模量-温度, Bayblend® FR3010, (PC+ABS) FR(40), Covestro
应力-应变. , Bayblend® FR3010, (PC+ABS) FR(40), Covestro
正割模量-应变. , Bayblend® FR3010, (PC+ABS) FR(40), Covestro
Max. Water content: 0.02 %
Drying temperature: 75 - 100 °C
(depending on the grade 10°C below the Vicat VST/B120 temperature, but not higher as the recommended values).
Drying time:
Circulating air drying oven (50 % fresh air) 4-8 h
Fresh air dryer (high speed dryer) 2-4 h
Dry air dryer 2-4 h

Melt temperature: 240-280 °C
Mold temperature: 70-100 °C

Use open nozzle.
Typical value

These values are typical values only. Unless explicitly agreed in written form, the do not constitute a binding material specification or warranted values. values may be affected by the design of the mold/die, the processing conditions and coloring/pigmentation of the product. Unless specified to the contrary, the property values given have been established on standardized test specimens at room temperature.


The manner in which you use and the purpose to which you put and utilize our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control. Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products, technical assistance, information and recommendations  to determine to your own satisfaction whether our products, technical assistance and information are suitable for your intended uses and applications. This application-specific analysis must at least include testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by Covestro. 
Unless we otherwise agree in writing, all products are sold strictly pursuant to the terms of our standard conditions of sale which are available upon request. All information and technical assistance is given without warranty or guarantee and is subject to change without notice. It is expressly understood and agreed that you assume and hereby expressly release us from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with the use of our products, technical assistance, and information. Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind us. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with any claim of any patent relative to any material or its use. No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.

Medical Grades

Only Covestro products that are designated as “Medical Grade”may be used in medical devices or intermediates of medical devices. The designation as “Medical Grade” does not mean that Covestro or anyone else has determined that the product is suitable for use in any particular Medical Application. Except when Covestro has expressly agreed in writing to the sale of these products for such applications, Covestro products designated as “Medical Grade” shall not be considered candidates for any Medical Applications in: (a) cosmetic, reconstructive or reproductive implants, (b) other body implants, (c) applications involving contact with or storage of human tissue, blood or other bodily fluids for longer than 30 days, or (d) applications involving contact for longer than 24 hours with circulating blood, tissue, bone or dentin.

For further information on the use of Covestro products in Medical Applications, please request from your sales support contact our Guidance document: GUIDANCE ON USE OF COVESTRO PRODUCTS IN A MEDICAL APPLICATION.


The CAMPUS internet database is hosted by M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH. M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. Any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material. 

相关说明:正规的渠道进货,可提供COA报告,MSDS,SGS环保报告,UL黄卡及物性加工参数,可开17%的增值税 所售物资均为原厂原包,同时我们热烈欢迎广大客户来公司进行监督考察。相关承诺:我们希望能够长期的与客户合作,所以不谋取暴利,权衡利益,互利共赢!



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