l 非常感谢您选用至上印花机械滚筒式升华转印机器。
l 本手册为您介绍热转印机器的安装、操作、功能设置和故障诊断、排除等事项。
l 不正确的安装和使用可能会导致热转印机的损坏或发生其他意外事故。在装机之前,请务必详细阅读本手册并正确安装和使用。
l 转印机长期运行在工业场合中,由于环境的温度、湿度、粉尘及操作的影响,机器本身的器件的老化及磨损等原因,都会导致转印设备潜在故障的发生,因此有必要对本设备进行日常和定期的检查与维护。
l 在使用过程中遇到疑难问题时,请和本公司的技术服务部联系。
l Thank you for choosing the ZS Printing Machinery newly developed roller sublimation transfer machine.
l This manual introduces you to the thermal transfer machine installation, operation, feature set and fault diagnosis to exclude such matters.
l Incorrect installation and use may cause damage to the heat transfer machine or other accident occurs. Installed before, be sure to carefully read this manual and the correct installation and use.
l Transfer machine long-term operation in industrial applications, due to the influence of environmental temperature, humidity, dust and operating devices of the machine itself aging and wear and other reasons, will result in the transfer potential equipment failures occur, it is essential to this equipment daily and periodic inspection and maintenance.
l Difficult problems encountered in the course, and the company's technical service department.
ZS Series Roller –type sublimation thermal transfer printing equipment, the use of heat-conducting oil layer surrounding electric heating diversion of the principles of design and manufacture of heating, the cylinder surface temperature balanced and stable blanket with out of the mechanical structure, with three-phase frequency control devices, machine operation, easy maintenance, transfer to achieve the best and widely used in digital printing industry at home and abroad.
n 注意事项Announcements
n 本说明书提供给客户安装调试,参数设定,故障诊断及操作使用的有关注意事项,务请妥善保管.
n 在安装调试使用前,请您仔细阅读本说明书,以免由于误操作而引起设备,甚至人身安全事故损失.
n 用户必须按照本机额定功率选配供电导线和安装专用漏电保护开关.
n 开机前机器外表必须牢固单独接地,否则可能造成严重的人身伤害事故.
n 本机器必须安装在通风、光亮的场所.机器周围不得少于1.5米空间,垂直水平安装.
n 工作中发生异常情况应立即停机检查.同时应把毯带脱离滚筒,并用风扇帮助散热冷却,防止损坏毯带.
n 操作人员必须严格遵守机器各部位的禁令标志进行操作.
n 因为是热工机械,所以在使用过程中,轴棍或发热体及大小轴承可能因热膨胀关系会发出一些响声,这是属于正常现象,不必惊慌。
n 机箱内的控制线路板上及变频器上,平常应保持清洁,不能有灰尘等金属导电物品掉入。转电器保护罩不得打开,小心触电。
n 需更换发热体、减速机、导热油等,必须采用本公司专用型号,不得私自更改、更换。
n 发热筒体外表经过特殊处理不得用腐蚀性液体擦洗及有硬物进入划伤。
n 关机时确保温度低于80度以下,关掉总电源
n 机器运转时一定要有人在位,停电时及时把毛毯与滚筒完全分离
n 机器原料进入口请不要堆放杂物,以免被滚筒卷入造成
