美国赫伯特FabCO 91K2-M管道焊丝X80药芯焊丝
美国赫伯特合金钢焊丝E71T8-Ni1J管道焊丝 Hardalloy 32齿轮链轮堆焊焊条
西安骏焊专业代理美国赫伯特焊条焊丝 电厂专用镍基焊条镍基焊丝 不锈钢焊条焊丝 耐热钢焊条焊丝 耐候钢焊条焊丝 低温钢焊条焊丝 低合金焊条焊丝 铸铁焊条焊丝 耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝 埋弧焊丝 明弧焊丝等特种焊接材料进口焊条进口焊丝
“These new wires provide operators with the versatility to work within a wider range of welding parameters without sacrificing quality or mechanical properties,” said Derick Railling, product manager, critical welds for Hobart. “They also offer excellent impact toughness to reduce the risk of cracking in critical applications.”
The FabCO 91K2-M wire is classified to the same specification as an E91T1-K2M J H4 wire for use with 75 to 80 percent argon/balance CO2 shielding gas mixtures. The FabCO 91K2-C wire is classified to American Welding Society (AWS) A5.29 Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding as an E91T1-K2C J H4 wire for use with 100 percent CO2 shielding gas.
Both wires feature an H4 designation, indicating they produce a weld deposit with a very low diffusible hydrogen content, which is desirable when welding higher-strength steels. Both wires also feature a “J” designation that indicates enhanced low temperature toughness requirements. However, the wires have been developed to exceed classification requirements for test temperature and absorbed energy. Hobart added that users can typically expect good toughness at temperatures as low as –76° F.
The two wires offer a fast-freezing slag that helps produce flat weld contours, even when welding out of position, and they have low spatter levels to reduce post-weld cleanup. Easy slag removal minimizes the opportunity for inclusions in multi-pass welds, along with the associated downtime and cost for rework. A stable arc transfer results in smooth weld beads with uniform fusion.
特 性 与 用 途
Fabshield 4 | E70T-4 | 有强的脱硫能力和抗裂性,焊接低碳钢和中碳钢。 |
Fabshield 7027 | E70T-7 | 具有优良的电弧特性及高的熔敷速度,适合于大电流,焊接钢结构。 |
Fabshield 71K6 | E71T8-K6J |
焊接X42-X70管线及海洋平台等钢结构。 |
Fabshield X70 | E71T8-GJ | 焊接X42-X70管线及海洋平台等钢结构。西安骏焊 |
Fabshield 81N1 | E71T8-Ni1J | 焊接X42-X70管线及海洋工程。 |
Fabshield 81N2 | E81T8-Ni2 | 焊接X8管线及海洋平台、储罐等。 |
Fabshield X80 | E81T8-Ni2J | 焊接X8管线及各种钢结构。 |
Fabshield XLR-8 | E71T-8JD H8 | 对焊接热输入范围适应性好,可用大电流进行立向上焊。符合AWSA5.20-2005标准中新的D类要求.用于钢结构焊接. |
Fabshield 21B | E71T-11 | 全位置焊接性好,特别适宜焊薄的碳钢及镀锌钢板等轻型结构。 |
Fabshield 23 | E71T-GS | 适用单道填充几盖面焊,焊镀锌板等钢结构 |